FirstIgnite is supporting the commercialization of the University of Missouri at St. Louis’s Q3D device for detecting amblyopia in children. This non-invasive device is a hand-held, battery-powered electronic device that presents visual stimuli to a subject using calibrated LEDs. It is the first and only device that provides an immediate and accurate quantified measurement of visual suppression (in 0.1 to 3.0 log units) in patients as young as 3 years old and is both simple and inexpensive.
The Q3D device serves as a tool for optometrists, ophthalmologists, and technicians conducting amblyopia assessments. Additionally, it has potential applications in assessing and monitoring optic neuritis and TBI. The global market size for amblyopia was valued at $4.5 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $6.25 billion by 2030.
The University of Missouri at St. Louis’s Q3D device for detecting amblyopia in children is ready for collaboration (licensing, partnerships, industry feedback, etc.). Is your company the right fit? If you’d be available for a conversation with the University of Missouri at St. Louis team, you can schedule a time directly on their team’s calendar here.