The opportunity for universities to grow their revenue from companies has never been more apparent. Tap into the entire pie of R&D funding by partnering with companies.
80% of R&D spending in the US is from companies.
Can you answer these three questions about your innovation area?
- How much money have corporates spent on R&D?
- Who are the top companies?
- How many companies are in this space?
Supporting innovation partnerships at top research universities
We help universities accomplish many goals
- Partnership Conversations / Innovation Listing
~5 - Partnership Conversations / Month
> 250 - Companies Reviewing Innovation / Month
> 2500
FirstIgnite customers with actively marketed innovation listings are meeting with an average of 5 companies. Currently, 2,500 companies are reviewing innovation listings and scheduling 250+ partnership meetings with universities each month.
There's never been a better time
For Industry Funding
More investment deals means more opportunities for your university to partner with companies. What’s your strategy for startup partnerships?
The world’s R&D funding
Is higher than ever
The OECD (Organisation for Cooperation and Development), comprising 38 countries, has seen an astounding increase in all R&D funding sectors, but especially from companies. FirstIgnite can help your university form global partnerships with companies that can supercharge your research funding and commercial output.
New Horizons
Check out these articles on high growth markets that are ripe for university partnerships.
What Our Customers Say
”I don’t need to hire an extra team member. FirstIgnite is cheaper and more effective. Their team consistently brings us new industry contacts truly interested in our technology.
Todd KeillerDirector of Technology Commercialization, Worcester Polytechnic Institute