The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts has partnered with FirstIgnite to connect with companies who would be interested in sponsoring faculty research in the areas of policy and the economy as well as the impact of sustainability goals when applied to buildings, cities, and energy research.
The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts combines humanities, social sciences, arts, and STEM to advance innovation and trains leaders to utilize technology for positive impact. Through interdisciplinary collaborations with diverse teams, faculty and students within the college expand the horizons of liberal arts research. Some of their distinguished faculty include: Marilyn Brown, Regents Professor, School of Public Policy, Casey Wichman, Associate Professor, School of Economics, and Matthew Oliver, Associate Professor, School of Economics.
The Georgia Tech team is seeking industry collaboration through sponsored research. If your company is interested in exploring a partnership, you can schedule a conversation with the Georgia Tech team directly through their team’s calendar here.