Tech Transfer offices are extremely busy. Working with faculty, reviewing disclosures, filing patents, drafting agreements, and marketing patents. With this heavy workload, often times marketing patents is put on a backburner and not enough time is spent on it. FirstIgnite solves this issue by enabling tech transfer teams to get 10x the marketing done in the same amount of time as before. How? Read on!
With FirstIgnite, Tech Transfer professionals can quickly summarize their patents, identify potential licensees and connect with corporate innovation teams instantly. How does it work? Look below:
Let’s say you have a DNA multiplexing patent and are looking to out license the technology – first we need to summarize the patent so industry gets excited about the invention.

Now that we have a marketing summary of the patent, including descriptions, problem solved, key advantages and market applications, we understand how to talk about our technology and can begin figuring out WHO to talk about our invention with.
Using the same text from the patent, we can quickly identify potential licensees and their competitors, which creates an exhaustive list of potential licensees to focus our marketing efforts on.

Now you know how to talk about your invention in terms industry understands and which companies you should focus your marketing efforts on. What comes next? Who at those companies should we contact.

You can identify contacts, with email addresses, of over 265M professionals. In the example above, which took less than 5 minutes of time, we’ve generated a marketing summary, identified Twist Bioscience as a potential licensee and found multiple contacts we can introduce the licensing opportunity to.
FirstIgnite enables offices to market their patent portfolio 10x faster than ever before. By actively marketing your patents to targeted licensees, you’ll see a significant shift in the number of companies your office is speaking with which will lead to an increase in licensed technologies and licensing revenue.
Get started with a free trial today – https://app.firstignite.com/register-account