Firstignite is an AI software that efficiently increases outbound communication about your team’s projects, educating potential collaborators and facilitating collaboration. One function of FirstIgnite that makes this efficiency possible is the ability to create marketing summaries in relation to your research.
FirstIgnite’s concise summaries help you approach the right partners, boosting research impact. How does it work? Look below:
Let’s say you have a Circuit for Sensing Gate Voltage of a Power PET patent and are looking to license the technology – first we need to summarize the patent so industry gets excited about the invention.

The AI software efficiently generated a comprehensive marketing summary of the patent, including detailed descriptions, the problems it solves, its key advantages, and potential market applications.
By utilizing this tool, offices can market their patent portfolio 10x faster than ever before. By actively marketing your patents to targeted licensees, increasing the number of engaged companies and ultimately leading to higher numbers of licensed technologies and licensing revenue.
FirstIgnite software is available for license. Please reach out to our team to inquire about getting a demo scheduled today!